Thursday, September 16, 2010

JH: Bigger than one man, class, or era

I’m a nostalgic, sensitive, and statistical type guy--the triple threat when waxing eloquent about our company’s uniqueness and history.  In this brief space, I’ll kick off the new school year by simply reminding my leaders, parents, veterans, and rookies alike that JH is bigger than any one factor.  Yes, I founded it/direct it and Wendy organizes it, but we do so dependent on our coaching staff, parent volunteers and student assistants.  Yes, I’m thrilled by seeing so many kids choose to stay Jugheads through H.S. graduation, but even with a record-tying 12 seniors this year, they still represent less than 9% of our roster.  Yes, many would say that a certain year or Juggle Jam or IJA Festival was “the best ever,” but remember that there have already been many pinnacles, firsts, and notable eras in our 16 year history, and the beauty of each is truly in the eye of the beholder.  When I’m tempted to grow weary of directing this company, I’ll remember that JH is really one big team, much larger than my career and empowered by God’s grace to fulfill His will.  I thank God for JH, from the simple joys of a contented beginner discovering a new skill/social niche to the profound experience of a young adult whose life was forever changed here. May we all cherish this juggling year, which could be another “best ever”—even for just one child.